This guide describes how to generate and use a private/public key pair to log in to a remote system with SSH using PuTTY. PuTTY is an SSH client that is available for Windows and Linux (although it is more common on Windows systems). Using key-based SSH logins, you can disable the normal username/password login procedure which means that only people with a valid private/public key pair can log in. That way, there is no way for brute-force attacks to be successful, so your system is more secure.
1 Preliminary Note
In this tutorial I use a Windows desktop to connect to a Linux SSH server (Debian Sarge, IP address:
2 Install PuTTY, PuTTYgen, And Pageant On The Windows System
First we need to install PuTTY, PuTTYgen, and Pageant on our Windows system. All we need to do is download the exectuable files (.exe) and save them somewhere, e.g. on the desktop. We don't need to install them as they are standalone applications. To start them, we only need to double-click them.
Download the following files from the PuTTY download page and save them on your Windows system, e.g. on the desktop:
3 Create A Profile With Settings For Our Server
In PuTTY, you can create profiles for connections to your various SSH servers, so you don't have to type in the settings again when you want to connect to a certain server again.
Let's create a profile for our server. Start PuTTY by double-clicking its executable file. You are now in the category Session (see the tree on the left side of the screenshot). Enter under Host Name (or IP address), enter 22 under Port and select SSH under Protocol:
Then go to Connection -> Data and specify the username with that you want to log in to your SSH server under Auto-login username. In this article I use root:
Then go to Session again. Under Saved Sessions enter a name for the profile, e.g. or any other string that lets you remember for which server the profile is. Then click on Save:
4 Connect To The SSH Server
Now we can connect to our SSH server simply by clicking on Open.
If you connect to the server for the first time, a security warning pops up. This is because PuTTY doesn't know the server's host key yet, so it is safe to click on Yes. (If this happens again later on, this can mean that another server is now running under the same IP address, or that someone has broken in and changed the key.)
We have saved the username with which we connect in our profile settings, so we don't have to type it here again. We only have to specify that user's password:
Now this was the "normal" way of logging in, i.e., with a username and a password. If anyone else knows the username and password, he can log in, too. So if you have weak passwords and/or are the victim of a brute-fore attack, this can become a problem. Let's change that now.
5 Generate A Private/Public Key Pair
We can use PuTTYgen to create a private/public key pair. Start it by double-clicking its executable file. Make sure you select SSH-2 RSA under Type of key to generate and specify 1024as the Number of bits in a generated key. Then click on Generate:
Please move the mouse pointer over the blank area during the key generation to generate some randomness:
Now a private/public key pair has been generated. Under Key comment, you can enter any comment; normally you use your email address here. Then specify a Key passphrase and repeat it under Confirm passphrase. You'll need that passphrase to log in to SSH with your new key. Then click on Save publick key and save it in some safe location on your computer. You are free to choose a filename and extension, but it should be one that lets you remember for which system it is.
Then click on Save private key. You can save it in the same location as the public key - it should be a location that only you can access and that you don't lose! (If you lose the keys and have disabled username/password logins, then you can't log in anymore!) Again, you're free to choose a filename, but this time the extension must be .ppk:
Then copy the public key from the PuTTYgen window:
6 Save The Public Key On The Server
Then log in to your SSH server (if you have closed the previous SSH session already), still with the username and password, and paste the public key into the file~/.ssh/authorized_keys2 (in one line!) like this:
mkdir ~/.ssh
chmod 700 ~/.ssh
vi ~/.ssh/authorized_keys2
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EA[...]Lg5whU0zMuYE5IZu8ZudnP6ds=
That file must be write/readable only by that user, so we run
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys2
7 Attach The Private Key To The PuTTY Profile
Now launch PuTTY again and load the profile of your SSH server (
Then go to SSH -> Auth and click on Browse:
Browse your file system and select your previously created private key:
Then go to Session again and click on Save:
Now we have attached the private key to our PuTTY profile.
8 Our First Key-Based Login
Now everything is ready for our first key-based login to our SSH server. Click on Open:
As you can see, the public key is now used for authentication, and you are asked for the passphrase (the one you specified in chapter 5):