New Datacenter Acquisition in Chicago..

  • Thursday, 1st March, 2012
  • 00:00am
Chicago Equinix Datacenter Location..

We are proud to annouce the opening of our public datacenter space for existing clients in the preimer Chicago Downtown Equinix Datacenter CH1/CH2 Facility. With this location we are able to crossconnect to multiple providers for redundancy and choose providers with quality bandwidth. The location it's self allows us to utilize a wide range of power options for each cabinet. Security is top notch with biometric hand scanners, Man trap, and 2 different sets of security guards. The facility is rated SSAE16 and includes UPS systems with Generator backups. Fuel tank and Fuel trucks on standby. We are proud to start our Hosting in this dedicated highend facility to enable us to grow our business without worrying about power, or cooling.
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